Board of Directors
Dr. Paris Ann Ingledew - President
Dr. Tamara Shenkier - Past President
Dr. Andrea Pollock - Vice-President
Dr. Sian Shuel - Treasurer-Secretary
Dr. Allison Ye, Director-at-Large
Dr. Elisa Chan, Director-at-Large
Managing Director - Dr. Dan Le
Administrative Assistant - Kamaljit Sandhu
Administrative Assistant - Laura Holver
The BC Cancer MSES + MDSA has identified the following Strategic Priorities for the Facility Engagement Initiative:
Promote opportunities for communication and collaboration between medical staff and BC Cancer/PHSA leadership
Promote medical staff wellness, with a focus on addressing workload issues
Work closely with BC Cancer/PHSA leadership regarding the Clinical + Systems Transformation initiative
Engage with BC Cancer/PHSA leadership regarding the 10-year Cancer Action Plan
The BC Cancer MSES + MDSA Steering Committee is a representative body for all physicians and dentists with privileges at BC Cancer regional centres. This includes physicians from discipline specific associations, physicians and dentists from disciplines without association status, and regional representatives of the medical and dental staff of all the BC Cancer regional centres. The WG will represent the BC Cancer medical staff and liaise with BC Cancer and PHSA leadership to improve engagement on matters of importance to physicians and patients. It will develop decision-making and funding structures to ensure effective representation and participation of the BC Cancer medical staff. These structures, along with funding and support provided through the Memorandum of Understanding on Regional and Local Engagement, will:
Support medical/dental staff engagement by providing a forum for the BC Cancer staff to express their views;
Prioritize views and issues, and bring these to the attention of BC Cancer and PHSA leadership;
Engage and collaborate with PHSA administration, BC Cancer executive leadership and physician leaders
Liaise with BC Cancer medical staff regarding issues of concern raised by the BC Cancer and PHSA administration.