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Request for Proposals to be funded by the Facility Engagement Initiative

The BCCA MSES Project Working Group is seeking your ideas for innovative ways to build physician engagement at the BC Cancer.  By engagement, we mean physicians should perceive as a consequence of this endeavour, an increased sense that their input into Agency direction matters and enhances mastery of their ability to contribute to care and research.


The proposals must address one or more of our stated Strategic Priorities and will be reviewed based upon the criteria noted below. 


Strategic Priorities:

  1. To provide opportunities for communication between BC Cancer medical staff (across disciplines and across regions).

  2. To foster enhanced communication and collaboration between BC Cancer & PHSA leadership.

  3. To lead collaboration across "silos" to address inefficiencies and improve clinical work flow and indirect patient care.

  4. To promote Medical Staff wellness. 


Please review the guidelines and criteria in the attached document.  Proposals will be considered in two rounds:

  • Round 1 – Letter of Intent

  • Round 2 – Complete Application


Submission Deadline:  February 14, 2018.   Detailed information on engagement initiatives and the submission form is available below.




Please submit only the Letter of Intent for Round 1 (page 4).  Once the form is complete, please save the form in the following format:  MSES LOI - SURNAME.  Submit the Letter of Intent to:  


If you have any questions, please email .


Chair of Engagement Initiative Working Group - Sharlene Gill
President, BCCA MSES - Tamara Shenkier

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